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I speak as part of organizational wellness and professional development programming at companies like yours to raise awareness about OCD and to offer tools for effectively managing OCD. These tools can be used by anyone (with or without OCD) to become more comfortable with uncertainty, to conserve mental energy, to focus on meaningful projects and ideas, and to take more good risks.

Many people don’t identify as having OCD, yet they may sometimes experience repetitive thoughts or irrational fears that have shades of OCD. Having these thoughts or worries puts them somewhere on an “OCD spectrum.” These people are accustomed to expending some of their energy or mental real estate coping with this anxiety.

I was recently speaking with a mid-career media professional in New York City. She didn’t identify as having OCD, but she did say that she struggled with anxiety…

She told me a story about one morning at work when she was consumed with worry that she may have left her stovetop on. Even though she was pretty sure she had turned off the stove burner, she felt hunted by the worry that she hadn’t. The worry was compounded by the fact that she couldn’t exactly remember whether she had even used the stove that morning. The thought was like a tangle, and she was stuck. At lunchtime, she quietly left the office, got on the subway, and went back to her apartment to check that her stove was off.

Of course, her stove was off.

This woman’s story indicates that, with more awareness of what OCD is and the many forms it takes, people can identify the thought patterns or behaviors that aren’t serving them and develop new ways around these intrusive thoughts.

Everyone can benefit from learning more about OCD and the process that helps people defang anxious or repetitive thoughts. It’s a new approach to managing one’s thoughts. It starts with embracing uncertainty, practicing self-awareness, indulging in “upgraded” self-care, and taking good risks even when one feels uncertain. It’s challenging, but these strategies yield lasting dividends.

After my talk, people will walk away knowing:

How to let go of the need to control outcomes. Letting go of the need to control everything and clinging to outcomes cuts down on stress, expends less energy, and creates potentially superior outcomes.

How to be more aware of one’s thoughts and how to optimize one’s self-care routine, to be more energetic and focused. We take action when our phones get to 2%, but we often let ourselves get to 2%. By taking excellent care of ourselves, we’re less prone to anxiety and stress.

How to work efficiently, make decisions, and even thrive in uncertain situations. How to take risks despite uncertainty to attract new opportunities and lead a richer life.

Bringing me in to speak will be more than simply thought-provoking or motivating. Helping your employees reduce stress, confront anxiety, and develop increased self-mastery will help your bottom line.

Happier employees often leads to more productive employees...

According to the American Psychological Association, 41% of employees say they typically feel tense or stressed-out during the workday. 51% of employees say they are less productive at work as a result of their stress.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 18% of American adults struggle with an anxiety disorder, making “much more of an impact on productivity and efficiency at U.S. companies that most employers realize.”

According to the Stanford University School of Medicine, only 1 in 15 people with obsessive-compulsive disorder receive treatment for their condition; various studies have shown that the delay between first symptom onset and seeking treatment is 7 to 10 years (for those who do seek treatment).  A more widespread understanding of what OCD is–and how it is treated, and can even be leveraged–will lessen the toll of OCD, in terms of psychic grief and lost productivity.

Interested in learning more?

Please reach out to me. I look forward to discussing delivering a presentation for your organization that will help your staff and your team harness any anxiety they experience and leverage it to be more creative, more productive, and more positive.

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